
In this article, we will explain how to create an ISO image of Windows 11 that bypasses the TPM check. This method is useful if your computer does not support TPM, as well as for automating installations.


Since the release of the final version of Windows 11, many users have encountered the requirement for a TPM module. However, this check was not performed in the preliminary builds. We offer a solution to bypass this check, allowing you to use Windows 11 even on devices without TPM.

What You Will Need

To accomplish this task, you will need:
Windows ADK for Windows 11 – a set of deployment tools.

– The WinPE add-on for Windows ADK – provides a preinstallation environment and is installed along with Windows ADK.

– You can download the Windows 11 ISO image from the official Microsoft website or from our catalog.

Additionally, you can always purchase original product keys for your Windows 11 from our catalog at 11.4 € with instant delivery to your email. Orders are processed automatically and around the clock!

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Preparing the Environment

Install Windows ADK and WinPE: First, install the Deployment Tools from ADK and WinPE. This will prepare your system to work with images.

2. Copying ISO Files

Create a folder: Create a folder (for example, D:\Win11_OS) and copy all files from the mounted Windows 11 ISO image into this folder.

3. Modifying the boot.wim File

Determine the index: Use the following command to find out the index that needs to be modified. Usually, it is index 2.

Dism /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:D:\Win11_OS\Sources\boot.wim

Mount the image: Mount the boot.wim file using the command:

dism /mount-wim /wimfile:"D:\Win11_OS\sources\boot.wim" /index:2 /mountdir:d:\mount\mount

Below, we mount the boot.wim image to the mount folder located at d:\mount\mount (create this folder). The mount\mount directory does not have any special significance. It is important that the folder is empty, and there are some files in the parent folder. Therefore, I simply created a new nested folder.

Modify the registry: Load the SYSTEM registry from the mounted image:
reg load HKLM\test d:\mount\mount

If an error about the file being in use appears, use the command:
reg load HKLM\test D:\mount\mount\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM

In the registry editor, create a key LabConfig under Setup and add a DWORD parameter BypassTPMCheck with the value 1.

Now we need to unload the registry hive before saving the changes to the boot.wim file.

reg unload HKLM\test

Apply the changes: After modifying the registry, you need to save the changes:

dism /unmount-wim /mountdir:d:\mount\mount /commit

4. Creating a New ISO Image

Now, all that’s left is to create a new ISO file from the working Win11_OS directory, containing our registry hack. To do this, we need to use the utility that is part of WADK, oscdimg.exe. Be sure to replace the appropriate directories with those that exist in your case. As you can see, I am creating a new ISO named Windows11GA_noTPM.iso.

Build the ISO: Use the OSCDIMG utility to create a new ISO:

oscdimg -m -o -u2 -bootdata:2#p0,e,bD:\Win11_OS\boot\,e,bD:\Win11_OS\efi\microsoft\boot\efisys.bin D:\Win11_OS D:\Windows11GA_noTPM.iso
Ensure that you have specified the correct paths to the source files and the output ISO.

5. Verifying the Result

Run the ISO: After creating the new ISO image, mount it in a virtual machine and ensure that the installation proceeds without the TPM check.


This method allows you to bypass the TPM check when installing Windows 11, which is useful for testing and automation. It is important to remember that Microsoft may not provide updates and support for systems installed in this manner. If you have any questions, contact our support service for more information.

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