
If you encounter an error 0xc0000142 during installation or running of the program, let’s consider how to fix this issue. There are several ways to resolve it:

1) Usually, a simple PC restart helps. Restart your PC and check if the application launches properly.

2) You might be running the program and your OS is not launching it for some reason under its edition. Try right-clicking on the installer or the program file or shortcut => Properties => Then in the “Properties” window, open the “Compatibility” tab => Check the box next to “Run this program in compatibility mode for” and choose, for example, Windows 7.

Then try launching the application.

3) For some reasons, antivirus software might also block the application from running (make sure the application is downloaded from trusted sources). If you’re confident that the application is downloaded from a trusted source, try temporarily disabling the antivirus or uninstalling it. Then try launching the necessary application.

4) If you’re launching the application from a shortcut, make sure that its file path does not contain Cyrillic characters. You can check this by right-clicking on the shortcut => Properties => Then in the “Shortcut” tab, check the “Target” field for Cyrillic characters. If present, reinstall the application in a path where folders contain only Latin characters.

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