Sometimes there is a need to transfer a Windows user profile’s data to another account, to another computer, or to an updated system after reinstallation. Manually transferring user files from the C:\Users\Username folder is possible, but sometimes it is necessary to preserve other account settings as well.
Transwiz is a free application for personal use that allows you to easily transfer a user profile along with all data in the user folders to a new computer, restore profile settings and data after a system reinstallation, and transfer to another account on the same device. In this article, we will thoroughly examine how to use this application.
Saving Profile Data to a File
Download the free version of Transwiz, compatible with Windows 11, 10, and earlier versions of the OS, from the official website or directly from our server.
After downloading the .MSI file, the application files will be unpacked into the C:\ProgramData\ForensiT\Deployment Files folder. From there, you can launch the Transwiz.exe executable — the application is portable, so you can move it to another location for convenience.
Steps to Save User Profile Data:
1. Select the option “I want to transfer data to another computer”.
2. Choose the user profile whose data you want to transfer. Note that by default, the archive includes all files from user folders: Desktop, Documents, Pictures, Downloads. If some folders do not need to be transferred, deselect them or edit the configuration file (discussed at the end of the article).
3. Specify the location to save the profile data.
4. If necessary, set a password for the archive containing the user profile data. If no password is needed, click “OK”.
5. Wait for the creation of the archive with the profile data to complete.
This completes the first step. The resulting file can be used to import on another computer or in another system.
Transferring Profile Data to Another Computer or System
Importing Windows user profile data from a previously created file is performed as follows:
1. Launch Transwiz on the computer to which you are transferring, and select the option “I have data I want to transfer to this computer”.
2. Specify the path to the profile data archive.
3. Enter the username (by default, the same name as on the source computer will be suggested).
4. If the specified username does not exist in the system, the application will prompt to create a new account (see screenshot). If such a user already exists, you can merge the data with the existing account.
5. Specify the user group if a new account is being created: standard user (group “Users”), administrator, or another.
6. Enter additional data if necessary (can be left blank): full name, description, password, and set other parameters as needed.
7. Wait for the data transfer and profile configuration process to complete: not only files but also registry entries, ACLs, and UWP application settings will be transferred.
After completing these actions, you can log into the new account (if a new profile was created) and verify that all data has been transferred correctly.
Additional Information
– When transferring data to a new account, note that Transwiz only creates local accounts.
– A detailed guide is available on the official website of the application, which describes additional features of Transwiz, such as editing the configuration file to exclude or include specific folders during the transfer. This can be useful, for example, if you need to exclude the “Downloads” folder.