
In this article, we’ll discuss the Windows activation error – “Status Not Available. Product ID: Not Available “. What could be the reasons for its occurrence and how to fix it?

Causes of this error:

1) You have attempted too many activations within a certain period of time. Microsoft’s server has temporarily blocked this option for you. Try again in 20-30 minutes.

2) The second and most common scenario is when a user tries to bypass activation using pirate methods like system cracking. This includes using cracks, deleting files from the Windows folder, etc.

How to resolve this issue in this case?

Press the Win + R hotkeys => Enter services.msc in the field

The “Services” menu will open => Find “Software Protection” in the service list

Double-click on it => In the “Startup type” dropdown, select “Automatic” => Click “Apply” => Then click “Start” in this window => OK

Now, try to activate the product key using the standard method.

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