
Windows PC Health Check is an official tool from Microsoft that helps determine if your PC and its settings are compatible with Windows 11, enabling you to install or upgrade to Windows 11.

You can download Windows PC Health Check from the official Microsoft website or from our server.

Installation and Check Instructions:

– Run the installer.
– Accept the license agreement.

Check the “Open Windows PC health check” box.

You will see the main menu of the application. Click on the “Check Now” button.

The application will then provide a result: either your PC is fully compatible with Windows 11, or it will identify some issues, such as:
1. Incompatible hardware. For example, your processor may not be compatible with Windows 11. You can see the list of compatible processors in our previous article.

2. Compatible hardware, but still receiving an error. The most common issues are Secure Boot not being enabled or the TPM module not being enabled.

Secure Boot can be enabled through Windows settings or UEFI.

3. If everything is compatible and the settings are correct, the application will display the following result:

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