Visual Studio Enterprise 2022
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1990 ₽ Купить

Купить Visual Studio Enterprise 2022

Только лицензионный продукт
Производитель: Microsoft Corporation
Тип лицензии: Retail
Срок службы: Бессрочно
Количество ПК:1
Язык интерфейса: Все языки
Разрядность Системы: x64
Региональная привязка: Активация возможна из любой страны (Global)
Мгновенная доставка на эл. почту
Бессрочный ключ активации
Оплата по банковскому переводу для ИП и юр. лиц

Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2022 is a new enterprise-level application with numerous enhancements for all types of development. Use the latest software for all your development, testing, and debugging tasks!

Features of Visual Studio 2022 Enterprise

  • Support for .NET 6.
  • IDE for macOS, with improved performance and greater capabilities for Mac development.
  • Ability to develop enterprise-class applications using modern tools and services, including DevOps, which shortens development cycles and significantly increases the quality of applications created for specific tasks;
  • Create 5-star mobile native, browser, or hybrid applications for Android, iOS, or Windows;
  • Support for cross-platform application development, including the latest version of C++ 20, with hot reload support, allowing you to edit C++ projects even while the application is running.
  • Major updates to the Blazor and Razor editors, with hot reload functionality for ASP.NET Core, including hot reload for CSS changes.
  • Support for working with multiple repositories using Git within the IDE.
  • The user interface in Visual Studio 2022 has been significantly redesigned, with new fonts available.

Buy Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2022 Product Key

  • Instant delivery of the digital product key to your email.
  • Warranty and 24/7 technical support from our store.

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