On this page, you can perform the activation procedure by phone of Microsoft products online without calling Microsoft technical support.
Our service “GET CID”, in other words, is a service – “Microsoft Self-Service Support” WebTool for automatic activation by phone, without a call, to receive a response confirmation ID in text mode using the online form below.
Why do I need activation by phone?
– It is needed in order to activate the product if online activation does not take place for some reason, for example, the application issues various errors when activating over the Internet, etc. And also if it is not possible to activate online, for example, the computer is not connected to the Internet.

Instructions for use
This text activation bot by phone works for all Microsoft products, the principle of activation by phone is the same in all applications.

1) Attention! To activate by phone, you must first enter a working license activation key for the corresponding version of the application into the application. If you do not have a product key, you can purchase it in our catalog with instant delivery in automatic mode to your email at the lowest prices among the stores:

In the first field, enter the installation ID from your activation window by phone (a set of numbers shown in blocks) and click the “Ge tCID” button.

– Next, you will receive a response confirmation ID, you need to enter it in the fields from A to H in your activation window by phone and activate the application. This completes the activation, you can restart the application or restart the system and check the activation.

Attention! The phone activation bot makes an automatic call for about 6-15 minutes, wait for the confirmation response CID and do not close the window. As soon as the bot issues a response CID, a beep will sound.
If you purchased an product key in our online store and have difficulties with telephone activation, please write to our technical support at any contact points on the next page

Enter your Email address that you specified when paying for the goods in our online store

Installation ID Input

Confirmation Result

No phone calls – purchase a product key with online activation in our catalog!